303 N. St. Joseph St. | Suttons Bay, MI |

Chef Adam
Adam grew up in the Metro Detroit area taking his first job at 14 years old in an Italian butcher shop and grocery store where he worked throughout high school. While attending Western Michigan University he worked as a dishwasher and cook in a small café.
Gradually he started working more and going to class less. After doing some traveling he spent several years cooking in Southern California.
Eventually he found his way back to Michigan in Traverse City, his wife's hometown.
The menu is designed around what we have to work with at the time. We are very fortunate to be in an area with so many little farms.
Whether it is getting ingredients from one of our foragers or one of our farmers we want to take advantage of the availability of the seasons.
It encourages us to be creative and work around what I can find locally. It’s all about flexibility.